Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Man Of Inspiration

There are times when I questioned God:
1.Why am I Born to be Unlucky In Life?
2.Why am I Unable to have all the good things in life like everyone else did?
3.Why do I have no people who I can call a FRIEND in my College Life?
4.Why can't I have things which I really wanted?
5.Why am I born with all the imperfection?
I just realized that I have been blinded by all these worldly stuff, until I have forgotten how much God have given me, great, amazing people in my life, and for always being there when the Skies are Gray for me in several ways which I couldn't have imagined. As an example this man,, known as Nick Vujicic inspired me a lot, and i would like to share it with you. He's born with no arms and no legs, but he still go through his life with the strongest will despite facing all the rejections in life. Watch this.

There are also times when I fall, feeling down, unable to face the peer pressure from my surroundings, I started to keep blaming people and God for everything that happened to me, but this guy, Nick, despite facing all the hardships, he can go through it with a big smile on his face. Perhaps i should do so, but not smiling until people thought I'm insane though. Watching this other video, make me to become a more stronger person in facing the reality world.

This Man have been a Great inspiration to me.. He's like a Man sent by God to give strength to others to stay faithful in Him..
I Hope that everyone can be as cool and steady like this guy, even though it's difficult, but the price behind it is peace and full of blessings.

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